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Back after the Rebuild

Greetings all and salutations

for those of you who may have noticed, IdleStatus has been offline for a while, This is mostly due to a complete rebuild and re-upload of the site.
For what ever reason the site was losing the comics and links were missing, this is probably due to the site not porting over to its no web host correctly. and after trying to fix the problem it just became easier to scrap the site and start over with a few minor changes.

its been a grind making sure that everything was uploaded in the right order and reuploading pics and things from before. I’m still updating the look but the comic is back in action again and i can at least carry that on. If anyone has any ideas of what extra features that they would like to see on the site can leave coment at any time .

other things are, ive now added a merch shop https://idlestatus-merch.myspreadshop.co.uk , and again any design ideas you would like to see, let me know,
My instagram and tumblr pages now have obviouse links and i will be putting more effort into them. And last I will be starting up a commissions page , and will have a list of options and prices soon,
I will be posting a vid later on with another update.

I personally thank you for coming back and seeing the site, Knowing that there are people watching makes this comic worth while.